Reference Material
Chain Reorgs
We need to detect re-orgs. Each time re query for a block we should have a reference for what we expect the parent hash to be. A re-org is dectected when the retrieved block's parent hash does not match the expected parent hash. Next we need to add some metadata to how the Exfiltrator sends data to the Loader. Instead of passing raw blocks we should do something like this:
class ChainSegment(NamedTuple): blocks: Tuple[Block, ...] is_reorg: bool = False
For the normal case, the exfiltrator would transmit
ChainSegment(blocks=(next_block,), is_reorg=False).
In the case that a reorg has been encountered it would trace backwards up the parent_hash links until it encounters a previously known block. The exfiltrator would transmit ChainSegment(blocks=new_chain_segment, is_reorg=True). We can bound re-org detection to a fixed maximum size window and error out if tracing backwards up the chain exceeds this limit.